Monday, February 27, 2012

Project Arcade 9 of o.0

Parts and current progress.

Some of this was done some time back but I'm trying to catch up on my blogging but hard to when life keeps you so busy oh well lets get down to it.

Made some progress on the panel, i went ahead and got all the holes drilled out and sanded to smooth them out and got joy sticks mounting holes drilled out and the hidden mounts inserted.
I like this mounting kit for the joysticks way nicer then having the ugly bolts on the top, with this the bolts are on the bottom so you never see them.

With all most every thing done i went a head and mounted what buttons i have just as a test fit and to test the RGB buttons and track ball to see if i even want to spend the money on the buttons and to my surprise they look really nice and i want to order more buttons but has been sold out of them for some time so that shows there very popular or have i notice people have been buying them and selling then on eBay fore more then they cost.  >.> hate people who do that ANY WHO here is a pix of it.
So far i think its looking good now to get the other 21 RGB buttons and ill be all set :D

Finally got my spinner in and the hole sized and cut for it and its bigger then i thought but that's no big deal its nice to see my plans coning together.

it mounts in the same size hole as the buttons then there is a little ribbon cable that goes from it to the controller and bada bing bada boom,  I did notice that its the same controller as my track ball just with the ribbon connector so i wonder if i can use it for my trackball to so i wont burn up all my usb ports on the little things.

Ill post more when i get time  :|

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Yes i am still alive been very very very busy with work but thats the IT world for ya.

Stay Tuned i have so much to update on my arcade cabnet.

We have been trying to get a new car so i cont have to worry so much about my wife driveing her car so afrade of being out of town and her to break down and be stranded in the middle of no where. :|

Work wise we been doing upgrades to all of our stores and getting them on to a real network so its been about 4 weeks of almost none stop work but is a odd way i enjoy keeping busy.

I cant wait till Tuesday the new OS update for my Blackberry Playbook comes out and i soooo cant wait finally total e-mail support and i wont need to bridge my bberry to it any more to get e-mail but then they updated bridge like crazy so this is going to be so awesome.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Project Arcade 8 of 0.o

Its been a very busy week helping test software at work and helping get a new server up and running along with every thing else.

Spent some time finishing up the area for the trackball and its mounting plate.

Now that i got the plate fitted time to start on the holes but 1st need to find the correct bit.

More later on.  Sorry im so slow at this.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Project Arcade 7 of ummmm

We started the cutting and about time to i say but oh well like i said before thing came up.

My father and I started to cut out the main shape of the controller panel, i know some people measure it all out by hand but for me i rather do it all in cad and plot it out so i can just cut on the dotted lines lol.

here is some pix (wife took them for me)


Now that we got the shape done and every thing is looking good we started to work on the trach ball hole.

Now thats out of the way it was time to start the buttons.   :D

Monday, January 9, 2012

Project Arcade 6 of errrrrrrrr

Construction time :D

On Saturday my father and I went by Lows to pick up the wood the controller panel for the arcade cabinet, I decided to get 3/4th thick Particle board instead of MDF due to the weight and the MDF splits and tears to easy so particle board for the win even though it cost more it will be worth it in the end because i can go back and stain it with a nice finish instead of having to paint it all black.

sadly when i had them do the cuts for me i ask them to me a 1'6" section and decided to go ahead and cut a 1'7" section to just in case some thing happened and well I'm glad i did,  the 1st cut they did for me the goof ball did a 1'5"5/8th cut so he ruined that part for me and the 1'7" section isn't square but i was still able to use it so if you can its best to cut it your self.    i so need a table saw.

after trimming my plans we spraid the back of the plans with a spray glue and let it sit for 10 min before putting it on the wood so it will be more like a peal and stick sticker and will be easy to remove, a nice little trick i say.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Project Arcade 5 of ?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

finally back, too much going on in December.

well i made some more head way on the arcade got the control panel plans finalized and plotted so i can start cutting (like i said delays) and the main body is about 80% complete but once i get the panel built it can speed up on the body planning so i know that all my measurements will work plus MDF cost about $30 for a 8x4 sheet and i need 4 so far its adding up fast.

Got my RGB buttons wired up and configured and wow its going to look awesome when i have all the players done but like i have said before I'm just doing player 1 for a test.

still need to do some tweaking but so far it every thing is ready,  I'm having to match all the buttons and colors to the game by hand but instead of doing all of them ill figure out what games get played the most and add them to the list and do all my backups of my configs so if some thing happens i can restore data.

but more later on its bed time and a busy work day.