Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Some time.

Its been some time from my last posts but here is an update.

I was able to complete my panel along with all the RGB leds.

I'm just waiting for my UHDI controller to come in to replace the controller's that came with my spinner and track ball due to not being able to program them they way I want, with the new controller I can pick whats what and it will give me a mouse 1 and mouse 2 button config vs just a 1 mouse.

I will try and post the rest of what I did and update the gaps but so busy with other stuff.

Project Arcade 10 of 0.0

Lots of head way was made.

I got the base cut and put togeather and ran across a few issues.
1st some of the boards didnt fit 100% but we where able to get them knock in to place
2nd the main board in the front bent in over night while the glue dried and we didnt notice when we marked and drilled the holes for the screws :| so stuff is off but no biggy no one will notice but then ill allways know  :|

Every thing in place and letting the glue dry over night to get a nice good grip.

From this i should have made a support beam for the middle to keep stuff from bowing but oh well.

Had issues with removing the template off  due to it being on for so long and ended having to use laquer thinner to help peel it off the sticker but once i got that off i went ahead and stained a scrap peace of wood to see how it will turn out while that dryed i started to sand and get every this ready for the staining.

I had a bit of an issue with some of the pin markings bleeding through so I had to pick a darker stain to cover up the marks. :|